The Royal Identity

A platform where people are empowered to know Jesus and make him known by walking in their purpose and embracing their identity in Christ. Instagram: @theroyalidentity Facebook: The Royal Identity


Unwavering Trust

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022

A fool puts their trust in themselves but a wise man puts his trust in the Lord! You don't put your trust in your ability to do something but you put your trust in God's capabilities. You don't trust in your track record but you trust in the Lord's track record to do the episode. Your confidence should be in Christ alone because he is the source of everything!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;" Proverbs 3:5 NIV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *

Carriers Of Light Pt.2

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

The Lord did not call you to live a life filled with guilt and shame. The Lord did not call you to have a hidden testimony but he has called you as the light of the world and a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden. Don't allow your past sins and mistakes to muzzle your mouth and life when God has made you new and shined his light on you so that you may also shine your let before others and allow Jesus to be glorified. You must carry the atmosphere of Jesus! People must see your life and desire to come to Christ! Listen to this episode for more.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 NKJV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Carriers Of Light Pt. 1

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022

Jesus is light and because he lives in us we are carriers of light therefore everywhere we go darkness must flee. Light and darkness can not coexist so as a child of light you must exercise your identity and authority in Christ to command the darkness out. When you know who you are in Christ you don't sit back and watch the enemy play with your life.
"And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.'" John 1:5 KJV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

The Lifestyle Of Salvation

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Working out your salvation is not a one day thing, it's something that we should do daily and make it our lifestyle. Don't ever think you've "arrived" in your walk with Christ but everyday seek to know him more! In this episode I talk about the definition of salvation and what it means to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Philippians 2:12 KJV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

& No One Was Found

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

I am crazy enough to believe that it is possible to live a demon free life. I am crazy enough to believe that I can be removed from the radar of the enemy! When the enemy comes to look for you may he not be able to find you. When sends arrows against you may the arrows response be that "no on was found." God is a God that can change your situation within the blink of an eye! God is a God who can hide you from enemy. God is a God who can dispatch angels on your behalf. What a mighty God we serve! What a capable God we serve!
Saying, “Indeed we found the prison shut securely, and the guards standing outside before the doors; but when we opened them, we found no one inside!” Acts 5:23 NKJV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Incubation For Impact

Friday Apr 08, 2022

Friday Apr 08, 2022

If you want impact learn to incubate in God's presence. If you influence learn how to incubate in God's presence. Avoiding the incubation period will only lead to a faulty foundation. Wait on the Lord and allow him to teach you. Allow God to prune and stripe you of everything that does not look like him. In this episode I discuss the factors of incubation and two people in the Bible who went through an incubation season. As far as you can see that shall be given unto you. Don't allow what you are seeing now to doubt the promise or prophecy concerning you. God told Abram to look to the east, west, south, and north. Although Abram was yet to possess the east, west, south, and north he looked up and trusted God. God is not limited by your circumstance and he can never be limited by your circumstance. What do you see? Look up and trust God!
"....Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord" 1 Samuel 2:21 NIV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *

As Far As You Can See

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022

As far as you can see that shall be given unto you. Don't allow what you are seeing now to doubt the promise or prophecy concerning you. God told Abram to look to the east, west, south, and north. Although Abram was yet to possess the east, west, south, and north he looked up and trusted God. God is not limited by your circumstance and he can never be limited by your circumstance. What do you see? Look up and trust God!
"For all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever." Genesis 13:15 NKJV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *

The Sound Of Thanksgiving

Saturday Dec 25, 2021

Saturday Dec 25, 2021

The sound of thanksgiving is a sound that stems from deep within. A sound that causes the goodness of God to become evident in your life! Thanksgiving is deep reverence for God. Learn how to entire into the realms of the spirit and release the sound of thanksgiving!
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Get Out Of Your Own Way!

Thursday Dec 16, 2021

Thursday Dec 16, 2021

We give the devil too much credit and power over us. The devil doesn't have any power over you unless you give him access Sometimes you are the problem. You are your own stumbling block! Get out of your own way and get in the way of Christ.
"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." Galatians 5:24 NIV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

You Can’t Die Yet!

Friday Dec 10, 2021

Friday Dec 10, 2021

You will not die! The purpose of God on your life will not die! As long as you have a pulse, you have a purpose. Suicide can not have you. Depression can not have you. Fear and anxiety can not have you. You still have the promises of God concerning you! You will live to proclaim with a voice of triumph about the manifestation of God's glory and power.
"And he said to them, "Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power." Mark 9:1 NIV
Thanks for listening to The Royal Identity. Please subscribe and rate it 5 stars! God bless you. Follow us: Instagram: @theroyalidentity | Facebook: @theroyalidentity | Twitter: @identity_royal | Pinterest: @theroyalidentity Don't ever forget you are who God says you are. You are royalty.
* I do not own copyrights to the music in this podcast *
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.


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Sharon Alexis

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